BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract on behalf of the Office of Construction Management with The Righter Company for elevator modernization at the Front Street Parking Garage Elevatory at 100 N Front Street.
This project is for the renovation of one elevator at Front Street Parking Garage. This elevator is at the end of its useful life and there is difficulty in obtaining the necessary replacement parts for routine maintenance. This renovation project will modernize and upgrade the equipment and controls for the elevator, ensuring that it functions as intended. The work also includes ensuring that the elevator and related systems are up to current elevator code.
The Department of Finance and Management, Office of Construction Management, solicited bids for the elevator upgrade at 100 N Front Street. The project was formally advertised and on November 19, 2018 the city received two (2) bids (0 FBE, 0 MBE) as follows:
Company Bid Amount Certification
The Righter Company, Inc. $470,400.00 EBOCC
R.W. Setterlin Building Company $489,815.00 EBOCC
The Righter Company submitted the lowest bid of $470,400.00. The amount of the award will be $550,000.00. This total includes an additional $79,600.00 in contingency for structural concrete repairs. The Office of Construction Management recommends the bid award be made to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, The Righter Company, Inc.
The Righter Company Contract Compliance No. 31-0889208, expiration date January 19, 2020.
Emergency action is requested so that work may begin as soon as practical.
Fiscal Impact: This legislation authorizes an expenditure of $550,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund for services related to the elevator upgrades at 100 N Front Street.
To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract on behalf of the Office of Construction Manageme...
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