File #: 0206-2025    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Housing, Homelessness, & Building Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: To authorize the Director of Development to establish a service contract with Reeves Towing and Recovery LLC for the Sign Installation and Towing Services program; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $20,000.00; and to declare an emergency ($20,000.00).
Attachments: 1. 0206-2025 Towing Services Renewal Bid Waiver, 2. 0206-2025 Towing Services Renewal DAX
This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to waive the competitive bidding requirements of Columbus City Codes Chapter 329 and to establish a service contract with Reeves Towing and Recovery LLC for the Sign Installation and Towing Services program and to authorize the and expenditure of $20,000.00.

The purpose of the Sign Installation and Towing Services program is to provide services that will involve, but not be limited to: responding to calls from the City for the installation of “NO PARKING” signage per Ohio Revised Code 4513.601 and later removal of vehicles from Land Bank properties if the vehicle is not removed within 48 hours of signage installation; impound and storage of vehicles by order of the private property owner (City of Columbus); proper notification of the last known owner of such vehicles, as required by law; and release of vehicles to the owner or lien holder as required by law for properties held by the Land Redevelopment Division.

Emergency action is requested in order to continue to provide services without interruption.

Bid Waiver Justification: The Department of Development advertised RFQ026787 on Vendor Services in February 2024 for the Sign Installation and Towing Services program and one bid was received. The Director of Development entered into contract with this bidder under the authority of Columbus City Code Section 329.19. The contract period was from the date of approval of the purchase order to February 28, 2025, with an option to renew one additional year, through 2026. However, the original contract was not legislated and approval was, likewise, not received from City Council to renew the agreement. As just one bid has been received the last three times this service was competitively bid, a waiver of competitive bidding is requested to go into a new contract for 3/1/25 - 2/28/26.

FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available within the Land Management Fund, fund 220...

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