1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a planned modification (Mod#1) for professional services with Arcadis, Inc. in the amount of $165,000.00 for the continued development and update of cost of service studies; comprehensive rates, fee, and charge analysis; and general financial analysis services for the Director’s Office - Fiscal Section of the Department of Public Utilities.
The scope of work for this modification will provide for completion of the costs of service studies for the Division of Water, the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, and the Division of Power, in addition to other tasks outlined in the original scope of services. This modification is in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 329 of the City Code relating to contract modifications.
This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of $165,000.00 from the Power Operating Fund, Water Operating Fund, Sewer Operating Fund, and the Stormwater Operating Fund, for a total expenditure of up to $330,000.00.
Amount of additional funds to be expended: $165,000.00 (Total Expenditure)
$10,065.00 from the Division of Power Operating Fund
$64,020.00 from the Division of Water Operating Funds
$71,775.00 from the Division of Sewerage and Drainage Sanitary Operating Fund
$19,140.00 from the Division of Sewerage and Drainage Stormwater Operating Fund
2.1 Original Contract (PO040755) $165,000.00
Modification #1 (Current) $165,000.00
Modification #2 (Future) $165,000.00
Total $495,000.00
2.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
The need for additional funds was known at the time of initial contract. This is a planned contract modification.
2.3 Reason other procurement processes are not used:
This is a planned modification to provide professional services for the development and update of cos...
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