BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes an agreement with the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO), State of Ohio, for the Impaired Driving Enforcement Program - FFY2023 and to appropriate funds to cover the costs of the program. The OTSO works to reduce high traffic related crashes to save lives and reduce injuries and economic loss. This program will target reducing fatal crashes through enforcement activity by uniformed officers making and processing impaired driver arrests within the interstate system in the City of Columbus and major arterial streets during specific holidays and national mobilization periods identified in the grant application. The agreement authorizes reimbursement for the overtime (excluding worker’s compensation costs) and a portion of fuel costs of sworn personnel working in the program. The funding for the agreement is dependent on federal funds from the US Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 and follows the fiscal year period, October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023.
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency legislation is necessary to make funds available for the grant funded activity period that started October 1, 2022.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the appropriation of $60,786.62 from the unappropriated balance of the General Government Grant Fund for the Division of Police to cover the costs associated with the Impaired Driving Enforcement Program (IDEP) - FFY23. All funds appropriated, except worker’s compensation costs, are reimbursable from the State of Ohio. $965.25 in Worker's Compensation costs will be covered by a transfer from Police's existing appropriation in their 2022 General Fund budget. FFY20 expenditures were $25,145.15, FFY21 expenditures were $45,916.67 and FFY2022 were $40,430.35 as of the date of this legislation.
To authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Traffic Safety Office, State of Ohio, to participa...
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