1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a construction contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Setterlin Building Company, for the CDBG Neighborhood Facilities Renovation - The Refuge Project, in the amount of $1,013,578.00.
The Refuge, located at 1601 Sullivant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43223, is a non-profit facility to serve men with addiction. It is a 3-story, 6,200 S.F. facility. The building contains residential units, kitchen, and office space. The scope of the project includes replacing exterior metal railing system, repair concrete balconies, refurbishing exterior steel stair and railings, adding exterior windows, adding interior doors, renovating the kitchen for commercial use, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications, and City of Columbus Construction and Material Specifications.
2. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD: The project was let by the Office of Construction Management via Vendor Services and Bid Express. Three bids were opened on June 20, 2023 from the following vendors:
1. Guzman’s General Contracting $499,000.00 (EDGE {no City certification})
2. Black Bronco Construction $848,160.00 (MAJ)
3. Setterlin Building Company $1,013,578.00 (MAJ)
The bids from Guzman’s General Contracting and Black Bronco Construction were deemed non-responsive as they were not pre-qualified to bid on City construction projects.
Setterlin Building Company’s bid was deemed the lowest, best, most responsive and responsible bid in the amount of $1,013,578.00. Their Contract Compliance Number is 4372 (expires 9/19/24, Majority-owned firm). Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Setterlin Building Company.
3. MINORITY CONTRACT PARTICIPATION: Of the 470 vendors solicited, ...
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