BACKGROUND: The City’s Recreation and Parks Department (“CRPD”) is engaged in the Olentangy Trail--Dodridge Street Connector Project (“Public Project”). The Public Project will construct steps from the north sidewalk of Dodridge Street, near the Dodridge Street bridge, to the Olentangy Trail. The City must acquire in good faith and accept certain fee simple title and lesser real estate located in the vicinity of Dodridge Street, Columbus, Ohio 43202 (collectively, “Real Estate”). The City will be acquiring and paying for the real estate. Accordingly, CRPD requested the City Attorney to acquire the Real Estate in good faith and contract for associated professional services (e.g. surveys, title work, appraisals, etc.) in order for CRPD to timely complete the acquisition of the property.
FISCAL IMPACT: This legislation authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of up to $100,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund 7702.
To authorize the City Attorney to spend City funds to acquire and accept in good faith certain fee simple title and lesser real estate located in the vicinity of Dodridge Street, and contract for associated professional services in order for the Recreation and Parks Department to timely complete the acquisition of Real Estate for the Olentangy Trail--Dodridge Street Connector Project and to expend up to $100,000.00 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund. ($100,000.00)
WHEREAS, the City intends to acquire certain fee simple title and lesser real estate to build the Olentangy Trail--Dodridge Street Connector Project to extend connectivity for the Public by constructing steps from the north sidewalk of Dodridge Street, near the Dodridge Street bridge, to the Olentangy Trail; and
WHEREAS, the City intends to improve certain public right-of-ways in the vicinity of Dodridge Street, Columbus, Ohio 43202 by allowing th...
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