1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a construction contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Elford, Inc., for the CDBG Neighborhood Facilities Renovation project, All THAT Teen Center, in the amount of $1,268,300.00.
All THAT (Teens Hopeful About Tomorrow) serves youths from the 43227 and 43232 Zip Codes through programming at the All THAT Center for Excellence located at 4117 E Livingston Avenue. The approximately 65 year old building, once Shady Lane Presbyterian Church, is in need of physical improvements. All THAT applied for building renovations through the Grants Management Section's annual Community Development Block Grant process.
Building improvements at All THAT Center for Excellence will have long-term impacts on the community. A facility that better meets the needs of the organization will allow All THAT to expand education, mentoring and employment services as well as social and emotional health programs.
Work under the project includes roof repairs, minor plumbing, mechanical and electrical work, partial pavement/curbing/apron repairs, and other work outlined in the contract and IFB documents.
2. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD: The Director of Finance and Management publicly opened two bids on March 4, 2024:
1. Elford, Inc. $1,268,300.00
2. Setterlin Building Co. $1,344,700.00
Elford Inc.’s bid was deemed the lowest, best, most responsive and responsible bid in the amount of $1,268,300.00. Their Contract Compliance Number is 11955 (expires 2/16/25, MBE-owned firm). Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Elford, Inc.
3. SUBCONTRACTOR PARTICIPATION: The ODI-assigned goal for this project was 20%. Elford, Inc. proposed Brownwood Roofing Ohio to meet 12% of this goal. Elford, Inc. submitted a Request for MBE/WBE Goal Waiver and Docume...
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