Background: Ordinance 0315-2010, approved by Columbus City Council, authorized the Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk (hereinafter "Municipal Court Clerk") to enter into a one year contract, with six consecutive one year renewal options, with Huntington National Bank for the provisions of bank and credit card services.
This ordinance authorizes the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into the fourth consecutive one year renewal option with Huntington National Bank for the provisions of bank and credit card services.
Bid Information:
The Municipal Court Clerk's Office solicited formal competitive bids through SA003423, for bank and credit card services, in accordance with Columbus City Code, Section 329.14. The proposals were reviewed by a committee and evaluated in accordance with the committee's criteria. Huntington National Bank achieved the highest score. In agreement with the committee, the Municipal Court Clerk awarded the bid to Huntington National Bank.
Ordinance: 0315-2010; $150,000.00; EL010042
Ordinance: 0386-2011; $100,000.00; EL011509
Ordinance: 0388-2012; $75,000.00; EL012577
Ordinance: 0423-2013; $82,000.00; EL014037
Ordinance: 2531-2013; $11,000.00; EL015295
Ordinance: 0305-2014; $87,000.00
Compliance Number: 31-0966785
Expires: 02/14/2016
This company is not debarred according to the excluded party listing system of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved finding for recovery certified search.
Fiscal Impact: $87,000.00 is available within the Municipal Court Clerk's 2014 general fund appropriations.
Emergency: To maintain uninterrupted bank and credit services for the Municipal Court Clerk's Office.
To authorize Municipal Court Clerk to renew the contract with Huntington National Bank for bank and credit card services for the Municipal Court Clerk's Office; to authorize the expenditure of $87,000.00 from the general fund; and...
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