BACKGROUND: The Division of Police is in need of a Flat Bed Tow Truck for the Impound Unit. This ordinance authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract with FYDA Freightliner Columbus, Inc. for the purchase of one (1) 2021 Freightliner M2106 with Kilar 19’ Steel Bed and accessories including freight and delivery charges for the Division of Police.
This tow truck will be utilized by the impound unit in several areas to include:
1) Moving and repositioning vehicles around the impound lot,
2) Transporting and or retrieving evidentiary vehicles from other agencies or locations when an immediate need or sensitive situation exists,
3) For use in all Presidential and Dignitary visits, needed for the immediate movement and relocation of vehicles determined hazards by U.S. Secret Service, and
4) To transport and retrieve vehicles used in training around the city by other Division and City agencies, such as the Training Academy, Swat, K-9, CFD.
The purchase is necessary for the day to day operations for the Impound Lot.
Bid Information: The formal bid for the Flat Bed Tow Truck, RFQ014472, was opened on January 30, 2020. Two bids were received, one from FYDA Freightliner Columbus, Inc. and a non responsive bid from JC Enterprises. FYDA Freightliner submitted a bid for $98,786.00. Division of Police personnel and Fleet personnel reviewed the bid and recommended FYDA Freightliner, Columbus Inc. be awarded the contract with the City of Columbus Division of Police as they were the lowest and most responsive bidder.
This company is not debarred according to the System for Award Management (SAM) or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved findings for recovery certified search.
Contract Compliance No.: CC004301 expires 06-21-2020
Emergency Designation: Emergency legislation is requested so that the Division of Police may continue daily operations at the impound lot without furth...
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