1. Background
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, received a request from the State of Ohio asking that the City transfer three small portions of right-of-way to the State that were originally intended to be transferred in 1930 as authorized by Ordinance 24-30. During the State’s recent evaluation of its properties within the Downtown area, it was discovered that the deeds for these three properties where never recorded at the Franklin County Recorder’s Office and therefore not transferred to State ownership. These portions of right-of-way are located along the east side of Civic Center Drive, between West Broad Street and West Town Street and are more specifically detailed and depicted on the attached exhibit. The State of Ohio is requesting that a deed be prepared by the City of Columbus and recorded at the Franklin County Recorder’s Office to clear title and legitimize the transfer of these three parcels.
After investigation by Infrastructure Management staff it has been determined that transferring these portions of right-of-way to the State of Ohio subject to the retention of a general utility easement for those utilities currently located within these right-of-ways, will not adversely impact the City and will finalize the intent of Council’s 1930 ordinance. Therefore, these right-of-ways should be transferred to the State of Ohio at no charge, Land Review Commission provisions of Columbus City Codes should be waived, and an emergency declared to allow the transfer of the property at the earliest date possible
2. Fiscal Impact
Emergency action is requested to allow this transfer to occur as soon as possible, thereby allowing the State to complete resolution of title issues and to proceed without delay.
To authorize the Director of the Public Service Department to execute those documents required to transfer three small portions of right-of-way to the State of Ohio; to waive the Land...
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