BACKGROUND: In January 2014, the Central Safety Building located at 120 Marconi Boulevard experienced extensive damage due to water infiltration caused by plumbing that lost structural integrity due to inclement weather and historically low temperatures. The repair of resulting damage was addressed through the issuance of Mayor’s Emergency Letters dated January 8 and January 27, 2014 respectively. Pursuant to the authority granted by the Mayor’s Emergency Letters, the Finance and Management Department contracted with Miles McClellan Construction Co. Inc. for various restoration and emergency repair services at the Central Safety Building.
During the course of this project it has become obvious that spaces adjacent to the water-damaged areas should remain consistent in terms of final appearance, layout, and structure. As such, the Finance and Management Department has determined that two hundred thirty-five thousand ($235,000) in additional capital infrastructure renovations are needed at the Central Safety Building. Since Miles McClellan has provided the restoration and emergency repair services related to the water infiltration damage, this ordinance authorizes Finance and Management Department to enter into contract with this same firm for the renovation of adjacent areas. This will ensure that the materials, services, and project timeline remain consistent thus ensuring continuity and expediting overall project completion time. This ordinance also waives the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code to ensure that needed renovation services can be supplied immediately at the Central Safety Building. Funding for these expenditures will come from the Public Safety G.O. Bonds Fund.
Emergency action is requested so that the Finance and Management Department can address emergency renovations to this critical capital asset.
Miles McClellan Construction Co. Inc. Contract Compliance No. 31-0987415, expiration date March 31, 2015.
Fiscal Im...
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