1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with EMH&T, Inc., for the Olentangy River Road 24” Water Main (Phase 2) Project, in an amount up to $255,786.35, for Division of Water Contract No. 2230.
The existing 20” water main in Olentangy River Road will be replaced with a new 24” water main from Old Ackerman Road to the drive entrance at 3400 Olentangy River Road (approx. 4,290 L.F.) and from McConnell Drive to a point north where the existing 20” water main crosses S.R. 315 (approx. 1,510 L.F.). The approximate total linear footage of water line replacement is 5,800 linear feet. The project will also include potential fire hydrant installations, as well as the transferring of water service lines.
The project falls within the West Olentangy Community Planning Area.
The goal of this project is to replace the existing 20” water main in Olentangy River Road. Replacement of this water main will decrease the burden on water maintenance operations and improve customer service. The Neighborhood Liaison(s) will be contacted and informed of this project. Further community outreach may result through the Neighborhood Liaison Program.
3. BID INFORMATION: The selection of the firm providing the professional engineering services has been performed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Columbus City Code, Section 329, "Awarding professional service contracts through requests for proposals." The evaluation criteria for this contract included: 1. Anticipated Project Team, 2. Past Performance, 3. Understanding of the Project / Project Approach, 4. Environmentally Preferable, and 5. Local Workforce.
On April 13, 2018, the Department received six (6) Request for Proposals (RFP’s) from: EMH&T, HDR Engineering, ms consultants, Stante...
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