1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a construction contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Miles McClellan Construction Co., for the Refuse Station at 1550 Georgesville Rd. - Phase 1 Project, for the Department of Public Service.
The project includes Phase 1 of building a refuse station, including an open truck storage canopy and a hot load sorting pad. Site work, including utilities, pavement, landscaping, and storm water management, will also be included for the administration and truck wash buildings.
2. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD: The Director of Finance and Management publicly opened four (4) bids* on December 20, 2022:
1. Miles McClellan Construction Co. $8,905,689.97
2. Elford, Inc. $9,584,569.00
3. Setterlin Building Company $9,645,479.00
4. 2K General Company $9,668,569.00
*base bids
Miles McClellan Construction Co.’s bid was deemed the lowest, best, most responsive and responsible bid in the amount of $8,905,689.97. Their Contract Compliance Number is 31-0987415 (expires 5/11/23, MBE) and their DAX Vendor Account No. is 4557.
The Department of Finance and Management is also adding an additional $457,750.00 to include Alternate 1 and to increase contingency that was not included in the original bid specifications for a grand contract total of $9,363,439.97.
3. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: It is requested this ordinance be handled in an emergency manner in order to perform site work when winter weather is favorable.
4. FISCAL IMPACT: A transfer of funds and appropriation within the Streets and Highways Bond Fund, Fund 7704 will be necessary as well as an amendment to the 2022 Capital Improvements Budget to align expenditures with the proper project.
To amend the 2022 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the transfer of funds and appropriation within the Streets and Highways Bond Fund; to authorize the D...
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