This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into contract with Danbert, Inc., for the UIRF - Northeast Dawnlight Curbs and Sidewalks project and to provide payment for construction, construction administration and inspection services.
This project includes replacement of existing pavement on Dawnlight Avenue using chemical stabilzation of the subbase and new flexible pavement; installation of new curb, curb ramps, sidewalk and storm sewer within the existing right of way; replacement of an existing 8-inch water main on Dawnlight Avenue; and installation of sidewalk connecting the two termini at the intersections of Woodland Avenue at Minnesota Avenue and Woodland Avenue at Myrtle Avenue.
The estimated Notice to Proceed date is June 1, 2018. The project was let by the Office of Support Services through Vendor Services and Bid Express. Five bids were received on April 17, 2018, and tabulated as follows:
Company Name Bid Amount City/State Majority/MBE/FBE
Danbert, Inc. $1,770,049.57 Plain City, OH Majority
Complete General Construction$1,930,994.60 Columbus, OH Majority
Shelly & Sands, Inc. $1,963,121.96 Columbus, OH Majority
Double Z Construction Company $2,356,320.50 Columbus, OH Majority
Trucco Construction Co., Inc. $2,431,981.99 Delaware, OH Majority
Award is to be made to Danbert, Inc., as the lowest responsive and responsible and best bidder for their bid of $1,770,049.57. The amount of construction administration and inspection services will be $177,004.96. The total legislated amount is $1,947,054.53.
Searches in the System for Award Management (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Danbert, Inc.
The contract compliance number for Danbert, Inc., is CC29004-114940 and expires 7/6/2018.
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