Council Variance Application: CV24-047
APPLICANT: Healthy Homes; c/o Emily Long Rayfield; PO Box 77499; Columbus, OH 43207
PROPOSED USE: Two-unit dwelling.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of an undeveloped parcel in the C-4, Commercial District. The requested Council variance will allow a two-unit dwelling, and is required because the C-4 district does not allow ground floor residential uses. Variances for building setbacks, parking setbacks, and parking lot screening are also included in the request. The site is located with the planning boundaries of the North Linden Neighborhood Plan Amendment (2014), which recommends “Medium Density Mixed Residential” land uses at this location. Staff supports the request as it is consistent with the Plan’s land use recommendation and the existing residential development pattern of the neighborhood, and does not add an incompatible use to the area.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3356.03, C-4 permitted uses; 3312.27(4), Parking setback line; and 3356.11(4), C-4 district setback lines, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 1423-1425 BRIARWOOD AVE. (43211), to allow a two-unit dwelling with reduced development standards in the C-4, Commercial District (Council Variance #CV24-047).
WHEREAS, by application #CV24-047, the owner of the property at 1423-1425 BRIARWOOD AVE. (43211), is requesting a Variance to allow a two-unit dwelling with reduced development standards in the C-4, Commercial District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3356.03, C-4 permitted uses, does not allow dwelling units as the principal use on a lot, while the applicant proposes a two-unit dwelling; and
WHEREAS, Section 3312.27(4), Parking setback line, requires a parking setback of 10 feet from Dresden Street right-of-way line, while the applicant proposes a reduced parking setback line of 2.3 feet from Dresden St...
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