Background: In April of 2021, the Columbus Recreation and Parks Commission voted in support of and Columbus City Council passed a resolution to support the Columbus Urban Forestry Master Plan (UFMP) and its immediate implementation. By authorizing the implementation of the Urban Forestry Master Plan, the Forestry Section of the Recreation and Parks Department can implement key recommendations through hiring staff, purchasing equipment, procuring tree service contracts, inventorying the City’s street trees, designing a new facility for Forestry’s North Zone, and engaging urban forestry consultants.
This ordinance is requesting the authorization of $1,500,000.00 in voted bond funds and the authorization for the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into various contracts relating to the Urban Forestry Master Plan. This ordinance will establish auditor's certificates and authorize expenditures in conjunction with the management of the UFMP. Contracts will be entered in compliance with the relevant provisions of Columbus City Code Chapter 329, however this legislation will set up all of the funding required to enter into contracts with vendors on an as-needed basis. All purchases will be through competitive bidding, through any current universal term contract, or through any current State of Ohio purchasing contract pre-approved by the City of Columbus Purchasing Office, per Ordinance No. 0582-87.
The staffing, supplies, services, and equipment needs that will be paid for as part of this funding request may include, but are not limited to, tree installation, hazardous tree removal, stump grinding, tree site preparation, urban forestry professional services, cellular service, office supplies, forestry supplies, uniforms, and safety equipment. All supply, service, and equipment needs related to the UFMP have been established as one overall capital improvement project. Each purchase order will be written separately based on all City of Columbus Co...
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