BACKGROUND: This ordinance amends the current authorized strength, as set forth in ordinance 1353-2020.
The strength levels for most general fund agencies are set to be equal to the 2020 budget as amended by City Council (including the Departments of Health and Recreation and Parks). Authorized strength levels of smaller non-general fund agencies are set to be equal to the adopted 2020 budget as amended, while the strength levels of certain larger non-general fund agencies may have their strength set slightly higher to allow for flexibility in hiring.
City Council requests one part-time general fund position to assist with increased needs and workload. Seven full-time positions will be reallocated among funds for the Municipal Court Judges. To align department personnel levels with service needs, 2 positions will transition from part-time to full-time in the Department of Building and Zoning Services, while total full-time strength will decrease by 3 positions. In the Department of Development, one full-time general fund position will transfer from the Housing Division to the Administration Division, while one full-time position in the Planning Division will be reallocated among funds. The Department of Finance and Management requests three additional full-time general fund positions in the Director’s Office to allow for flexibility in staffing. In order to expand contact tracing efforts, the Department of Health requests 15 additional full-time grant funded positions. In the Department of Recreation and Parks, 2 full-time positions will transition from the department’s primary operating fund to the Community Development Block Grant, and 5 additional full-time grant funded positions are requested for the MyCare Ohio program. With the consolidation of the Asset Management program into the Public Service Director's Office, nine full-time positions will be reallocated from the Division of Infrastructure Management.
Fiscal Impact: Funds for th...
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