BACKGROUND: This ordinance amends the current authorized strength, as set forth in ordinance 1220-2021.
The strength levels for most general fund agencies are set to be equal to the 2021 budget as amended by City Council (including the Departments of Health and Recreation and Parks). Authorized strength levels of smaller non-general fund agencies are set to be equal to the adopted 2021 budget as amended, while the strength levels of certain larger non-general fund agencies may have their strength set slightly higher to allow for flexibility in hiring.
This ordinance increases total full-time authorized strength by 19 positions across seven departments. The newly created Department of the Inspector General will receive ten full-time general fund positions. Within the Department of Finance, the Division of Financial Management requests one additional full-time federal grant position. The Department of Recreation and Parks requests the addition of three full-time positions in the department’s primary operating fund to assist with the implementation of the Urban Forestry Master Plan. In the Department of Building and Zoning Services, two full-time positions are requested in administrative support due to the upcoming transition of the Code Enforcement Division from the Department of Development. The Department of Public Service requests one additional non-general fund position in the Administration Division in order to transition a Mail Carrier from part-time to full-time status (while maintaining the part-time strength for flexibility). Within the Department of Public Safety, one additional full-time general fund position is requested in the Safety Director’s Office in order to assist with increased needs and workload. Furthermore, the Department of Technology requests one additional full-time position in the Administration Division.
Three additional changes are requested to reallocate existing positions, resulting in no net change in cumula...
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