The purpose of this legislation is to renew the yearly subscription for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage with the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WERF). The Research Foundation performs research that applies to various operations within the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, including sewage sludge, Stormwater management, bio-solids reuse, whole effluent toxicity, and combined sewage overflow (CSO). Subscription rates are based on prior year average daily flow managed including wet weather flow. For 2016 the average was 160 multiplied by $460.00 per mgd.
The USEPA no longer performs important research work and the Water Environmental & Reuse Foundation fills this void by performing needed research in the areas stated above. Subscribers to WERF are provided direct and timely access to research information that enables the Department of Public Utilities to enhance and improve the quality of wastewater and storm water management. There are many emerging issues that require research in the near future and being a subscriber to WERF enables the Department of Public Utilities to receive any future research that will be shared with personnel within the department. The subscription period is through December 31, 2017.
SUPPLIER: Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (54-1511635), Non-Profit.
FISCAL IMPACT: $73,600.00 is budgeted and available for this expenditure.
$73,600.00 was spent in 2016
$71,840.00 was spent in 2015
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to pay subscription fees to subscribe with the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation for Fiscal Year 2017 for use of the Utility Subscription Program for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; and to authorize the expenditure of $73,600.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund. ($73,600.00)
WHEREAS, it is necessary to subscribe with the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation to insure continued and proper research in Wastewater Treatment areas for Fiscal ...
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