Background: This ordinance authorizes the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Division of Fire’s general fund budget, and also authorizes the Finance and Management Director, on behalf of the Division of Fire, to issue a purchase order to G&G Fitness Equipment, Inc. for commercial grade fitness equipment to replace aging equipment in City of Columbus Firehouses.
In May of 2017, a committee was convened to analyze the current inventory of fitness equipment across all City of Columbus fire stations and develop a long-term strategy for replacing aging equipment in a manner that is efficient, promotes consistency across locations, and supports current best practices in the field of exercise physiology. This committee consisted of representatives from the Division of Fire, the Public Safety Director’s Office, and the Department of Finance and Management. This plan was developed and approved by the committee to replace aging equipment in existing firehouses and completed in three (3) separate phases. This purchase will balance the amount of equipment needed in four (4) fire stations that have increased staffing since the beginning of the replacement project.
Bid information: The Division of Fire, is in need to purchase this standardized commercial fitness/exercise equipment as specified in this ordinance. The Division of Fire is requesting a Bid Waiver for said commercial fitness equipment purchases to satisfy the Columbus City Purchasing Code. G&G Fitness Equipment is the sole distributor for this region for Life Fitness commercial fitness equipment which has been standardized by the Fire Division, and has provided the equipment in the past two phases of this project; additionally, the manufacturer has agreed to waive the 6% surcharge on the elliptical equipment that commenced on August 1, 2021.
Contract Compliance: G&G Fitness Equipment, Inc. (#16-1365573) - (Vendor #000824)
Emergency Designation: This legislation is to be declared an em...
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