Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to enter into contract with General Maintenance and Engineering Co. for the Roof Improvements 2024-2025 Project. The contract amount is $340,000.00, with alternates of $357,950.00 and a contingency of $52,050.00, for a total of $750,000.00. An additional $2,000.00 is being authorized for interdepartmental inspections and fees for a total of $752,000.00 being authorized by this ordinance.
Each year, the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department works to improve facility roofs and exteriors that are no longer able to be repaired. This program makes sure our buildings are kept in good condition and safe from the elements. It also ensures that roofing systems remain under warranty.
This year's project includes work at the Whetstone Park of Roses Shelterhouse, the maintenance garage at Mentel Memorial Golf Course, the maintenance garage at Three Creeks Park, and the Holton Community Center.
Vendor Bid/Proposal Submissions (Office of Diversity and Inclusion designation status): Proposals were advertised to firms that were pre-qualified through the bi-annual Request for Statement of Qualification (RSFQ) process, in accordance with City Code Section 329, on October 29, 2024 and received by the Recreation and Parks Department on November 21, 2024. Request for proposals were received by the following companies:
General Maintenance & Engineering Co (MAJ)
JB Roofing (MAJ)
Harold J Becker Company, Inc (MAJ)
Of note, professional services contracts are quality based selections and not based on price. Costs were not requested nor were they part of this evaluation.
In accordance with City Code, a selection team evaluated the proposals and recommended General Maintenance and Engineering Co. be selected to perform the work. The firm was chosen based on their referenced projects, experience, qualifications, availability, timeline and project approach.
Principal Parties:
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