BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Executive Director of the Office of CelebrateOne, on behalf of the Office of the Mayor, to execute a not for profit service contract with Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio for their Summer Youth Workforce & Career Development fellowship program, which provides an eight (8) week paid summer youth fellowship program with the goal of learning life & work skills alongside professionals in the health care field and become positive sexual health messengers within their community.
Costs for the program include specific deliverables including guest speaker fees, education materials, marketing and advertising of the program for enrollment, and staff costs to conduct the training. Invoice(s) will include specific details regarding the services and training provided. The vendor will not invoice for any costs not stated in the attached Program Proposal (see Item 2. Estimated Budget).
The Summer Youth Workforce & Career Development fellowship program will consist of three (3) cohorts of youth ages 14-19 for a total of 50 youth in the full fellowship program. The program includes six (6) lessons on resume preparation, interviewing skills, work permits and tax issues, communication/customer service skills, information on local higher education opportunities.
The fellowships will also include 20 hours of sexual health education to include topics such as anatomy, physiology, gender, communication, sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy prevention, healthy relationships, consent, and more will be included in addition to the workforce development syllabus. In addition to having one of the highest infant mortality rates in the nation, Ohio ranks 23rd out of all 50 states for teenage pregnancies. Teen pregnancy is a significant contributor to pre-maturity, a leading cause of infant mortality, because pregnant teens have a higher risk for having a baby born too small or too soon.
A recent examination of t...
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