BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Development to enter a grant agreement with Columbus Urban League in an amount up to $1,100,000 to support workforce development training in the technology field for minority communities.
The 104-year-old Columbus Urban League (CUL) is an advocate and resource for Black and urban communities that is dedicated to growing wealth, education, earning power and small businesses while also supporting strong families.
Technology focused workforce development training will help assist historically under resourced communities acquire skills that will provide access to jobs in a field that supports good paying wages, job mobility and access to advanced opportunities.
Emergency action is requested to allow Columbus Urban League to continue to provide uninterrupted services in the programming of workforce development training.
FISCAL IMPACT: $100,000.00 is available in the Administrative Division’s General Fund budget; $400,000.00 is available in the Administrative Division’s General Fund, Job Growth Subfund; and $600,000.00 will be transferred from General Fund Citywide Account.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: The vendor number is 006073 and expires on 2/22/2024.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into a grant agreement with Columbus Urban League in an amount up to $1,100,000.00 for the purpose of supporting workforce development training in the technology field for minority communities; to authorize the transfer of $600,000.00 from the general fund citywide account to the Department of Development general fund budget; to authorize the expenditure of $1,100,000.00 from the general fund; to approve expenditures incurred prior to the approval of the purchase order; and to declare an emergency. ($1,100,000.00)
WHEREAS, the Columbus Urban League is an advocate and resource for Black and urban communities that is dedicated to growing wealth, education, earni...
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