Rezoning Application: Z20-057
APPLICANT: Metro Development LLC; c/o Jill Tangeman, Atty.; 52 East Gay Street; Columbus, OH 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Multi-unit residential development.
DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approval (5-0) on November 12, 2020.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site is developed with an exercise and health facility (permitted by ORD # 0330-2012, CV12-055) in the PUD-8, Planned Unit Development District. The applicant is requesting the L-AR-2, Limited Apartment Residential District to permit a 204-unit apartment building (37.99 units/acre). The site is within the planning area of The Northwest Plan (2016), which recommends “Medium Density Residential” (6-10 units/acre) land uses for this location. The Plan also includes design guidelines for considering higher density proposals such as a front façade contributing to pedestrian activity along a site’s frontage, scale and massing that are compatible with both surrounding uses and the site’s topography, and parking hidden from public streets. The limitation text commits to a site plan, and includes provisions for screening, building design, lighting, and graphics commitments. The request will allow a residential development that is compatible with the adjacent residential developments. The site plan incorporates screening of the parking lot to the greatest extent possible from Hayden Road, buffering of adjacent lower-density residential uses with the preservation of a stream corridor protection zone, and a centralized amenity space that contributes to the Hayden Road streetscape. Additionally, Planning staff is supportive of the building elevations, as they are consistent with the design guidelines in The Northwest Plan. A concurrent Council variance (Ordinance #2712-2020, CV20-062) has been submitted to reduce the building and parking setback lines and the required number of parking lot trees.
To rezone 3111 HAYDEN RD. (43235), being 5.34± ...
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