This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Service to modify a professional services contract with Arcadis US Inc., to add additional funds of $264,000.00 for design of the UIRF - Milo Grogan Second Avenue Improvements.
Ordinance 0465-2017 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Arcadis US Inc., for the UIRF - Milo Grogan Second Avenue Improvements project. The contract is to produce construction plans and associated deliverables for improvements to East Second Avenue from Sixth Street to St. Clair Avenue. Improvements will generally consist of new pervious pavement in the parking lane of 2nd Avenue, resurfacing the remaining existing pavement, replacing the existing curb and installation of curb extensions to define the parking areas. Streetscape improvements will consist of replacement of existing sidewalks, new street trees, and new street lighting with underground circuit. The signals at Cleveland Avenue and St. Clair Avenue will be modified to accommodate the proposed improvements.
This is an unplanned modification that is necessary to cover the cost of work due to expanding the scope of the project to include the City-owned retaining walls that are adjacent to the project area and assigning detailed design work. It was deemed to be more cost efficient to modify the existing contract than to bid this part of the work.
The original contract amount: $400,000.00 (PO074422, Ord. 0465-2017)
The total of Modification No. 1: $264,000.00 (This Ordinance)
The contract amount including all modifications: $664,000.00
Searches in the System for Award Management (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Arcadis US Inc.
The contract compliance number for Arcadis US Inc., is CC009409 and expires 5/18/19.
Funding in the amount ...
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