Area Commissions exist to afford additional voluntary citizen participation in decision-making in an advisory capacity and to facilitate communication, understanding and cooperation between neighborhood groups, city officials and developers. Commissions are the primary advisory bodies to the City for all new development. There are 21 Area Commissions with between 7 and 21 members. They are elected by residents living within the Commission boundaries. There are currently 270 total seats with a significant number of those remaining vacant because of challenges recruiting new members. Many residents are unaware of the function or existence of their Area Commission. A need also exists to ensure Commissioners represent the diversity of the communities that they serve. Currently 14 Area Commissions have vacant seats.
This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Neighborhoods to enter into a contract with Canvaas Consulting LLC in an amount up to $100,000.00 for marketing and outreach services to develop an outreach campaign to educate residents about Columbus Area Commissions and ultimately increase participation. It is in the City's best interests to waive competitive bidding to enter into this contract.
Emergency Action is requested in order to immediately implement an outreach and marketing campaign to raise awareness of the existence, functions and duties of Area Commissions. With the goal of increasing participation, the marketing campaign will focus on how residents can be elected to participate in Area Commissions, most of whom hold their annual elections in late summer.
Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the Department of Neighborhoods general operating budget, Neighborhood Initiatives subfund, fund 1000, subfund 100018, File #: 1633-2024, Version: 1.
Contract Compliance:
Canvaas Consulting LLC 031214
To authorize the Director of the Department of Neighborhoods to enter into a contract with Canvaas Consulting LLC ...
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