1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter an engineering agreement with Burgess & Niple, Inc., for the Jackson Pike Wastewater Treatment Plant (JPWWTP) Screening Improvements Project, CIP 650252-100010. This agreement will provide Preliminary Design Services (Step 1) and anticipates at least two renewals for the Detailed Design and Bidding Services (Step 2), and Services During Construction (Step 3).
The Jackson Pike facility operates two (2) screening channels and related equipment as part of the headworks unit. The Screenings Room was originally built in 1930. There are processing issues that require a comprehensive evaluation of the screening system to ensure that the equipment and building are functioning properly.
Preliminary Design, Step 1, will include the following tasks:
1. Review existing facility information,
2. Provide an assessment of the screening system and building,
3. Develop design criteria and basis of design for the project, and
4. Provide an evaluation and analysis for the screen system and building.
Upon the City’s approval of the DDM (Detailed Design Memorandum), a future contract renewal will be requested for the Detailed Design, Step 2 Services. It will include preparing construction contract documents (including specifications and drawings) in accordance with City of Columbus Division of Sewerage and Drainage standards, guidelines, and directions for construction and implementation of the proposed facility.
An additional renewal will be requested for Engineering Services During Construction, Step 3, which will include technical project representation (TPR) duties, construction phase engineering, start-up and commissioning assistance, and record documentation. For additional background information, please see the attached Director’s Information Sheet.
Construction Management Services will be performed by others. Planning Area is Citywide
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