This ordinance authorizes Columbus City Council to enter into a grant agreement with Columbus Urban League in support of the Right to Recover program.
According to a July study on the impact of COVID-19 in major US cities, more than half of residents report experiencing serious financial problems, especially people of color. Additionally, the infection rate in Columbus has consistently been around four times as high for Hispanic residents and twice as high for Black residents when compared to white residents. These statistics are illustrative of the fact that the industries that disproportionately employ workers of color are also the most likely to require in-person work and are least likely to offer paid time off or pay wages that provide their employees with the resources needed to sustain a period of unpaid leave. This also increases the likelihood for spread among employees, customers, and the broader community.
The Right to Recover program offers low-income workers who contract the virus one-time emergency financial relief to help them take time off of work, isolate, and recover in order to return to the workforce and mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19. Columbus Urban League estimates it will serve approximately 450 residents by the conclusion of 2020 when its existing grant agreement concludes. This legislation will allow the program continue into 2021 to meet the continuing community need.
Fiscal Impact: Funding is available within the Neighborhood Initiatives subfund.
Emergency action is requested in order to avoid interruption to the Right to Recover Program and the flow of resources it provides to those afflicted with COVID-19.
To authorize Columbus City Council to enter into a grant agreement with Columbus Urban League in support of the Right to Recover initiative; to authorize an appropriation within and an expenditure from the Neighborhood Initiatives subfund; and to declare an emergency. ($410,000.00)
WHEREAS, th...
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