Council Variance Application: CV23-133
APPLICANT: Dimitri Smirniotopoulos; 2690 West Dublin-Granville Road; Columbus, OH 43235.
PROPOSED USE: Ground floor residential use.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of one parcel developed with an architectural office (formerly a single-unit dwelling) in the L-C-2, Limited Commercial District. The applicant proposes to re-establish a single-unit dwelling within the existing office building. A Council variance is required because the L-C-2 district does not permit ground floor residential uses. The site is within the planning boundaries of The Northwest Plan (2016), which recommends “Office” uses at this location. Staff supports the requested residential use as the existing office use will be maintained, and the introduction of ground floor residential uses is consistent with the surrounding character of the neighborhood.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3353.03, Permitted uses; 3370.05, Permitted uses; and 3370.07, Conditions and limitations, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 2690 W. DUBLIN-GRANVILLE RD. (43235), to allow ground floor residential use in the L-C-2, Limited Commercial District (Council Variance #CV23-133).
WHEREAS, by application #CV23-133, the owner of the property at 2690 W. DUBLIN-GRANVILLE RD. (43235), is requesting a Variance to allow a ground floor residential use in the L-C-2, Limited Commercial District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3353.03, Permitted uses, does not permit ground floor residential uses, while the applicant proposes a residential use on the ground floor within the existing building; and
WHEREAS, Section 3370.05, Permitted uses, allows one or more of the uses specified by the underlying zoning district, which are limited to C-2, Commercial District uses listed in Chapter 3353 of the Columbus City Code, and as further specified in the limitation overlay text in Ordinance #1187-02 (Z02-019),...
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