BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an engineering agreement with T&M Associates, Inc. for the Olde Beechwold Area Stormwater System Improvements Project, CIP 610804-100001, and the Olde Beechwold Area Blueprint Integrated Solutions Project CIP 650870-110166. The combined projects will address roadway and yard flooding within the Olde Beechwold Area due to an under-performing stormwater system. The Olde Beechwold Area is within the Clintonville Planning Area, and limits of the project are Rathbone Avenue and Beaumont road on its northern and southern extents and High Street and Olentangy River on its eastern and western extents. This project area is a listed neighborhood on both the National Register of Historic Places and Columbus Register of Historic Properties.
The Engineer will perform required hydrologic and hydraulic calculations necessary to evaluate recommended stormwater system improvements, make additional recommendations on stormwater system improvements to convey the additional stormwater runoff as a result of future Blueprint Columbus Project (roof water redirection, lateral lining and sump pumps installation) planned in this area. The Engineer will design the stormwater system improvements in accordance with the Division of Sewerage and Drainage’s Stormwater Drainage Manual.
The Engineer will also conduct field investigations, model all DOSD-owned storm water system facilities in the area, and devise, plan, and produce preliminary design documents for all green infrastructure facilities to accommodate storm water removed from the sanitary system by the Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) remediation efforts. The work will include the production of all design documents, drawings (CC plans), specifications and contract documents required to construct the proposed stormwater improvements. This work shall also include design services during construction. (For additional information regar...
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