This ordinance authorized a grant agreement with MY Project USA in support of a youth soccer program in the Wedgewood neighborhood.
MY Project USA aims to protect and empower American youth by providing access to educational, healthy, and fun programs that keep them away from danger and temptation. The Wedgewood Village Apartment community is home to approximately 2,000 children who need continued and increased access to programs, protection, and the tools that lead to empowerment.
Offering a program that involves this community’s favorite sport, hundreds of children will be engaged on a weekly basis. Families in the Wedgewood community have a great appreciation for and desire to play soccer: MY Project USA started a soccer team in Wedgewood last year, and due to the positive response, increased interest, and requests from parents asking for more teams, the organization has developed a year-round program. With support from the Columbus City Council, more children will have access to a program that protects them, empowers them, and will impact the reduction of violent crime and its victims in this community.
Fiscal Impact: Funding is available within the Neighborhood Initiatives subfund.
Emergency action is requested in order to avoid any delay in supporting and expanding the MY Project USA Wedgewood soccer program to provide more opportunities for youth engagement.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Recreation and Parks to enter into a grant agreement with MY Project USA in support of the Wedgewood youth soccer program; to authorize an appropriation and expenditure within the Neighborhood Initiatives subfund; and to declare an emergency. ($68,850.00)
WHEREAS, MY Project USA aims to protect and empower American youth by providing access to educational, healthy, and fun programs that keep them away from danger and temptation; and
WHEREAS, the Wedgewood Village Apartment community is home to approximately 2,000 children ...
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