1. BACKGROUND: This project provides engineering services for short circuit, coordination, and arc flash mitigation. This work includes field collection of all device and component ratings, settings, sizes, lengths, etc.; development of a model and providing the coordination settings to reduce incident arc flash energy. This includes affixing arc flash hazard labels to all equipment as required by OSHA.
During this renewal period the project will provide continuing support in these areas for all capital projects at the wastewater treatment plants, compost, and the pump stations. This will include reviewing short circuit analysis from other Design Professionals and integrating these models into the overall plant models. The engineer will also provide services to recommend changes to electrical gear to improve short circuit coordination and arc flash behavior, including making setting changes on equipment.
Community Planning Area: 99
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $ 425,000.00
Original Contract (PO152940) $1,000,000.00
Renewal 1 (current) $ 425,000.00
Renewal 2 (anticipated 2021) $ 350,000.00
Renewal 3 (anticipated 2022) $ 350,000.00
CONTRACT TOTAL $2,125,000.00
1.2. Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a planned contract renewal and the additional services were identified in the original contract ordinance, Ord. 2777-2018.
1.3. Reason other procurement processes are not used:
This work was originally planned as a four year effort funded by annual renewals because it includes tasks which stretch across several funding years, and because the nature of the work requires the firm to develop a deep and detailed understanding of our plants and how we operate them. Bidding out this work would risk funding this substantial start up effort again and would require the multi-year work to start again.
1.4. How cost of modification was determined:
The costs...
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