BACKGROUND: The Director of Human Resources seeks the authority to modify and increase the contract currently in effect with the law firm of Baker & Hostetler LLP for collective bargaining negotiations and related activities. The city entered into the original contract earlier this year (Ord. 0114-2020) to provide labor relations assistance because of their long history and experience representing the City of Columbus in negotiations with bargaining units. The law firm continues to bring a wealth of institutional knowledge and experience in ongoing labor negotiations and related activities with the City of Columbus. Costs associated with ongoing negotiations, together with costs related to fact finding and arbitration, were underestimated in the initial contract. An analysis of year to date expenditures for the balance of the contract year supports this increase. Costs initially legislated, per Ordinance 0114-2020, totaled $275,000.00; this modification provides for additional expenses related to legal counsel for labor negotiations and related activities. This legislation serves to increase the maximum obligation liability by $300,000.00, bringing the total contract obligation to $575,000.00. In addition, this ordinance serves to appropriate sufficient funds to allow this expenditure to occur.
This legislation authorizes the appropriation of $300,000 from the unappropriated balance of the employee benefits fund, authorizes the Director of Human Resources to modify and increase the current contract with Baker and Hostetler LLP by $300,000, and, further, authorizes the expenditure of the additional $300,000.00 to compensate for legal services rendered in conjunction with collective bargaining negotiations and related activities.
FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are available from and within the employee benefits fund for this additional appropriation and will be appropriated to the Department of Human Resources employee benefits administration...
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