BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Ascension Construction Services and Hill International Inc., for Contract Administration /Construction Observation Services - Task Order Basis. This scope will be providing Contract Administration, Construction Observation Services, scheduling and estimating for identified projects.
The Department of Finance and Management, Office of Construction Management, solicited proposals that were formally advertised on July 26th, 2022, the city received three (3) responses (0 AS1, 0 FBE, 0 MBE,) as follows:
Bidder/AE City Contract Compliance # FBE/MBE
Ascension Construction Services Columbus CC-023827 EBO_CC
Hill International, Inc. Columbus CC-000990 EBO_CC
Star Consultants Columbus CC-005568 EBO_CC
The selection was made by the 3-person evaluation committee on the basis of qualifications. The committee decided to split the scope between Ascension Construction Services and Hill International, Inc. and total amount for the Contract is $800,000.
Ascension Construction Services Contract Compliance is CC-023827 expiration date August 17 2024.
Hill International, Inc. Contract Compliance is CC-000990 expiration date December 8 2023.
Fiscal Impact: This ordinance authorizes a transfer within and an expenditure of $800,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund with Ascension Construction Services and Hill International, Inc. for City of Columbus Contract Administration /Construction Observation Services - Task Order Basis. This also authorizes an amendment to the 2022 Capital Improvement Budget.
To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Ascension Construction Services and Hill International, Inc. for Contract Administration /Construction Observation Services - Task Order ...
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