BACKGROUND: This ordinance is needed to authorize the Board of Health to modify a contract with KW2 (FEID#39-1658926) to provide advertising services for an HIV Outreach targeted marketing campaign. The City of Columbus received funding from two grants to pay the cost of the contract. 1) Federal HIV Prevention Grant Program from the Ohio Department of Health and 2) Ryan White Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration. It is necessary to modify the existing contract with KW2 for the provision of additional services. This modification is for an amount not to exceed $20,000.00, for a total contract amount of $143,000.00, and is for the period through February 29, 2020.
The Federal HIV Prevention Grant Program enables Columbus Public Health to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV counseling and testing/referral; partner counseling; and health education/risk reduction behavior modification programs. Services are provided to residents of Franklin County and other regional counties, with special emphasis on men who have sex with men, individuals with high risk sexual contact, youth, and injection drug/substance users.
The HIV Care Part A grant’s purpose is to improve access to medical care for persons living with HIV or AIDS living in Central Ohio. The goal is that each client will achieve viral suppression, which improves their quality of life and reduces the risk of spreading the infection. This grant will enhance medical services, both somatic and behavioral health. It will pay for HIV related doctor’s visits, mental health services, substance abuse services, and other services allowable by the grant. It also will strengthen the case management and linkage to care (or patient navigation) elements.
Emergency action is requested in order to provide continued services without interruption.
FISCAL IMPACT: This contract modificatio...
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