Background: This ordinance authorizes $50,000.00 from the Development - Taxable Bond Fund to cover personnel costs incurred by the Department of Development’s Division of Housing’s inspection of bond eligible projects.
The Division of Housing’s Homeowner Services Center has grant programs that assist individuals and families with remaining in their homes and living independently in a safe and sound environment. Programs include: Emergency Repair, Roof Replacement, and Critical Home Repair. These programs are currently bond funded or had been bond funded in the past but are now funded with Community Development Block Grant funds. Once a project at a home is approved, City staff engage a contractor to do the work, and then City staff inspect the work before deeming the project complete.
Division staff who inspect the projects are budgeted in the General Fund. They track their time inspecting bond eligible projects and each quarter, the department does an expenditure correction to move the inspection expense to bond funds. In years past, the expense was charged to a blanket ACPO. Beginning this year, the department desires to establish a dedicated ACDI for this expense. New ACDI’s will be established in future years as needed.
Emergency action is requested in order to move expenses timely and maintain an accurate General Fund budget.
Fiscal Impact: $50,000.00 is available in the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget, Development Taxable bond fund. An amendment to the 2021 Capital Budget is required to establish sufficient budget authority for the project.
To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds between projects within the Development Taxable bond funds to cover personnel costs incurred by the Department of Development’s Division of Housing’s inspection of bond eligible projects; to authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Development Taxable bond funds; and to declare an em...
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