File #: 0104-2025    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/8/2025 In control: Neighborhoods, Recreation, & Parks Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: To authorize the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to enter into contract with K.N.S. Services, Inc. for continued surveillance system installation, replacement, and upgrades in accordance with the sole source procurement provisions of City Code; to authorize the transfer of $200,000.00 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the amendment of the 2024 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)
Attachments: 1. Legislation - KNS - Surveillance System Contract 2024-2025 - FINAL - ATTACHMENT.docx.pdf, 2. Sole Source Form - KNS - Surveillance System Contract 2024-2025.pdf

Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department (CRPD) to enter into contract with K.N.S. Services, Inc. (KNS) for continued for continued surveillance system installation, replacement, and upgrades in accordance with the sole source procurement provisions of City Code Chapter 329. The contract amount being authorized by this ordinance is $200,000.00.

K.N.S. Services, Inc. has provided surveillance system installation, replacement, and upgrades for the department for many years. They also service many other city departments including Public Safety, Finance, and Public Utilities. KNS has established a unique relationship with the Department of Technology to provide robust service to multiple departments in the city. The City of Columbus selected the Genetec software platform years ago for all departments to utilize for their surveillance systems with the vision of aggregating these services city wide. This effort has resulted in KNS becoming the premiere provider of these services for several departments. The amount of infrastructure development, security clearance access, and continued excellent support provided by this company leaves it as the only clear choice to continue logistical support for our systems.

CRPD owns 50+ unique surveillance systems comprised of 500+ cameras around the city. Most of these systems are on the Genetec platform which provides remote viewing, access management and organizational integration. With a robust and partially aging surveillance system, there is regularly a need to replace or upgrade failed equipment, wiring, digital storage, and all other components of the system. There are also regular needs to add equipment to our 400+ parks as usage and park activity changes. This contract will be used continuously throughout the year to address needs and improve safety and security throughout our park system.

Principal Parties:
K.N.S. Services, Inc.
8450 Rausch Dri...

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