1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew (Renewal #3) an existing engineering agreement with Black & Veatch Corporation for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Upgrade, General Program #4, Overall Engineering Consultant Services (WWTF Upgrade GP #4 OEC), CIP 650360-100002. The project scope includes basic services provided under this agreement and the professional engineering services necessary for, and incident to, the Overall Engineering Consultant Services for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Upgrade - General Program #4. The Overall Engineering Consultant Services (OEC) agreement is necessary to provide technical and engineering assistance to the City and its design professionals in planning and coordination of the work. The OEC services are separated into several tasks, as follows:
Task 1 - Planning Services Task 4 - Commissioning and Start-up Services
Task 2 - Design Services Task 5 - General and Additional Services
Task 3 - Construction Related Services Task 6 - Project Management
The City will request a task order from the consultant as necessary work is identified. The task order submitted will include a detailed scope of work, direct and indirect costs, task schedule, estimated hours, personnel categories required with labor rates, and reimbursable expenses. After negotiation and upon acceptance by the city, the consultant shall commence work. The Engineer shall provide such professional engineering services as may be necessary to accomplish the work required to be performed and shall at the firm’s cost, furnish all necessary competent personnel, equipment, and materials to perform the work.
(For additional information regarding the OEC tasks, please see the attached Director’s Information Sheet Se...
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