This legislation authorizes the City Attorney's Office, Real Estate Division, to hire professional services and to negotiate with property owners to acquire the various property rights necessary to complete the Roadway Improvements-Cannon Drive Relocation project.
The Department of Public Service is currently engaged in the Roadway Improvements-Cannon Drive Relocation project. The proposed relocation of Cannon Drive will improve the north-south transportation corridor between King Avenue and Lane Avenue, providing better access to the University including critical care facilities within the Medical Campus, and opening up approximately 12 acres for development. The project will extend between King Avenue and John Herrick Drive, a total roadway length of approximately 2,820 feet, with improvements including a landscaped median for access management along Cannon Drive. Roadway extensions of Medical Center Drive, 10th Avenue, 12th Avenue, and John Herrick Drive will be required to connect to the realigned Cannon Drive. A realigned access roadway will be developed to connect the new Cannon Drive with Battelle Drive accessing the medical campus.
The project is located in Community Planning Area 13 - Near North-University. The Department of Public Service is currently finalizing construction plans and is prepared to authorize right-of-way acquisition pending passage of this legislation.
Funds in the amount of $50,000.00 are available for this project in the 2016 Department of Public Service Bond Funds.
Emergency action is requested to provide necessary right-of-way acquisition funding and prevent unnecessary delays in the Department of Public Service’s Capital Improvement Program.
To authorize the City Attorney's Office to contract for professional services relative to the acquisition of fee simple title and lesser interests in and to property needed for the Roadway Improvements-...
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