BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned modification to the 2020 - 2022 Construction Administration and Inspection Services agreement with H. R. Gray & Associates Inc. for the following Division of Water Projects:
• Smoky Row Booster Station Roof Replacement, CIP No. 690473-100014, Planning Area = 51 - Far Northwest, $60,010.07
• CA-CI General Construction, CIP No. 690549-100011, Planning Area = 99 - Citywide, $50,000.00
1.1. Amount of additional funds to be expended: $110,010.07
Original Agreement Amount: $ 167,845.34 PO228237, PO228238, & PO228239
Modification No. 1 $ 979,361.67 PO235282
Modification No. 2 $ 711,543.64 PO238195 & PO238199
Modification No. 3 $ 255,437.69 PO248167
Modification No. 4 $1,523,581.11 PO265076
Modification No. 5 (current) $ 110,010.07
Grand Total $3,747,779.52
Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a three-year agreement for fiscal years 2020 - 2022 and modifications were anticipated and explained in the original legislation under Ordinance No. 0787-2020.
Reason other procurement processes are not used:
This is a multiyear contract that will be modified as required to provide construction administration/inspection services for construction projects that bid during the three year (2020-2022) timeframe.
How cost of modification was determined:
The cost was determined by negotiations between H.R. Gray & Associates and the Division of Water.
ECONOMIC IMPACT/ADVANTAGES; COMMUNITY OUTREACH; PROJECT DEVELOPMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS/ADVANTAGES OF PROJECT: Division of Water projects include replacement or rehabilitation of water lines that have a high break frequency. Replacement of these water lines will improve water service, decrease burden on water maintenance operations, and reduce water loss. Other projects provide improvements to elevated water storage tanks and booster pump stations that are part of the water di...
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