1. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew the professional engineering services agreement with Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. for the Hap Cremean Water Plant (HCWP) Concrete Rehabilitation Project, Capital Improvements Project No. 690389-100000, Division of Water Contract No. 2141.
The goal of this project is to rehabilitate deteriorated concrete and related structural / mechanical items caused by natural deterioration (age), service conditions, and weather (freeze-thaw) conditions.
Under the Original Agreement, Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. performed Condition Assessment and Preliminary Design services.
The contract was renewed (#1) to provide Detailed Design engineering services and bidding services for Phase 1.
It is necessary to renew the contract again (#2) to provide Engineering Services during Construction for Phase 1.
Planning Area: N/A since the HCWP serves multiple planning areas.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $1,307,900.00
Original Contract Amount: $ 741,300.00 (PO019838)
Renewal No. 1: $1,920,600.00 (PO133389)
Renewal No. 2 (current): $1,307,900.00
Total (Orig. + Renewal No’s 1+2) $3,969,800.00
1.2. Reason other procurement processes are not used:
Engineering Services During Construction were included in the RFP advertisement. The current consultant has gained detailed knowledge of the condition of the structures that is essential for providing the needed engineering services. Bidding this work out to a new consultant would require duplication of some of the condition assessment and design work already performed, increasing project costs and extending the project schedule.
Additionally, a renewal for Engineering Services During Construction was anticipated and explained in the original legislation under Ordinance No. 1491-2016 as well as Renewal No. 1 under Ordinance No. 1795-2018.
1.3. How cost of renewal was determined:
Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. developed a proposal ...
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