Background: The Department of Finance and Management through its Real Estate Management Office contracts with Lease Harbor, LLC to provide real estate and lease database management software support and related services for the administration of the portfolio records of the City’s owned real property inventory and real estate lease agreements. The current agreement was authorized by City Council Ordinance No. 2579-2015, and authorized the Director of Finance and Management to enter into an amended service agreement with Lease Harbor, LLC providing for five (5) additional automatically renewing one (1) year terms, each automatic renewal being subject to appropriation of funds by Columbus City Council and certification of funds availability by the City Auditor. This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of up to $27,000.00, or as much as may be necessary, for the fifth automatic renewal term of the Lease Harbor, LLC agreement for the period December 15, 2020 to December 14, 2021.
Fiscal Impact: This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of up to $27,000 from the 2020 General Fund with Lease Harbor, LLC for real estate property inventory and lease agreement database management services. The Real Estate Management Office planned and budgeted $27,000 in the General Fund for these services.
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested to allow services to continue without interruption.
To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to expend up to $27,000.00 from the General Fund for the fifth automatic renewal term of the service agreement with Lease Harbor, LLC; and to declare an emergency.($27,000.00)
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance and Management through its Real Estate Management Office contracts with Lease Harbor, LLC for the provision of web-based lease and property inventory database management software, support, and related services for the administration of the City’s real property and lease portfolios; and
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