Ordinance 1068-2019 authorized the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to enter into a fifty-four (54) month contract with one (1) twelve (12) month renewal option with CourtView Justice Solutions, Inc., d/b/a Equivant (CourtView Justice Solution, Inc.) for the purchase of maintenance, support, and professional services (maintenance and support services) for the Franklin County Municipal Court Case Management System.
This legislation authorizes the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into the seventh (7) month through the eighteenth (18) month of a fifty-four (54) month contract with CourtView Justice Solutions, Inc., for the purchase of maintenance and support services for the Franklin County Municipal Court Case Management System.
Bid Information:
Pricing was negotiated with CourtView Justice Solutions, Inc.
CourtView Justice Solutions, Inc. is the sole source supplier of Court View software, maintenance and support services. The case management system is proprietary in nature; therefore, this legislation is being established in accordance with the sole source provisions of the Columbus City Code, Section 329.07.
Contract Compliance Number: 46-0521050
Expiration Date: 4/24/2021
Vendor Number: 008460
Ordinance: 1068-2019: $113,003.50; PO173301
Ordinance: 2298-2019: $232,788.00
The company is not debarred according to the excluded party listing system of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved finding for recovery certified search.
Emergency: Emergency legislation is requested for the continuity of the maintenance and support services for the Franklin County Municipal Court case management system.
Fiscal Impact: Funds totaling $232,788.00 are available within the Municipal Court Clerk’s 2019 Computer Fund budget.
To authorize the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into contract with CourtV...
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