Background: The Department of Development Division of Land Redevelopment operates the City of Columbus Land Bank program and works closely with the Franklin County Land Bank - Central Ohio Community Improvement Corporation (COCIC). In 2017, the City of Columbus Council approved Ordinance 0252-2017, allowing the City of Columbus Land Bank to lease office space from COCIC for an initial seven (7) year term, which ended January 31, 2024. The lease automatically extends on a year-to-year basis subject to appropriation of funding by City Council and certification of funds by the City Auditor. On January 22, 2024, City Council passed Ordinance 0094-2024 to appropriate funds required to continue leasing the shared space through January 31, 2025. This legislation authorizes the funding for payments associated with the lease of the shared space for the February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2026 term.
Fiscal Impact: This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of $24,068.64 from funds available in the Land Management Fund.
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested to enable the Division of Land Redevelopment to continue to occupy office space shared with COCIC without interruption and allow for the timely payment of the cost associated with use of the office space and continue to provide enhanced services to the public at the earliest possible date.
To authorize the expenditure of $24,068.64 from the Land Management Fund for the lease of office space at 845 Parsons Avenue from the Central Ohio Community Improvement Corporation; and to declare an emergency ($24,068.64).
WHEREAS, the City of Columbus Land Bank and Franklin County Land Bank programs work closely together to return blighted, vacant, and tax-delinquent properties to productive use for the benefit of the public; and
WHEREAS, to further promote their collaborative efforts, the City Land Bank Program and the Franklin County Land Bank Program co-locate operations at ...
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