Rezoning Application Z24-050
APPLICANT: TWG Development, c/o David Hodge, Atty.; 8000 Walton Parkway, Suite 120; New Albany, OH 43054.
PROPOSED USE: Multi-unit residential development.
DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approval (6-0) on December 9, 2023.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The 5.64± acre site consists of six parcels, five of which are undeveloped, the sixth is developed with an eating and drinking establishment. The requested AR-1, Apartment Residential District will allow multi-unit residential development of up to 36.2 dwelling units per acre at this location. While the Scioto Southland Plan (2007) recommends “Single Family (1-2 du/acre)” land uses at this location, staff recognizes site-specific factors such as the mix of existing residential and institutional uses on West Castle Road, the site’s location at the terminus of West Castle Road, and the site’s proximity to the South High Street corridor, all as potential mitigating factors for supporting higher density. The proposal will also further the City’s objective of creating more housing. Concurrent Council Variance CV24-122 (Ordinance #0264-2025) which proposes a 144-unit apartment complex is also being considered, and includes variances to reduce parking lot landscaping, parking setback, minimum number of parking spaces, and perimeter yard.
To rezone 106 W. CASTLE ROAD. (43207), being 5.64± acres located at the western terminus of West Castle Road, From: SR, Suburban Residential District, To: AR-1, Apartment Residential District (Rezoning #Z24-050).
WHEREAS, application # Z24-050 is on file with the Department of Building and Zoning Services requesting rezoning of 5.64± acres from SR, Suburban Residential District, to the AR-1, Apartment Residential District; and
WHEREAS, the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and
WHEREAS, the Fa...
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