Background: This ordinance authorizes the Finance and Management Director to acquire property, on behalf of the Department of Public Utilities, consisting of a tract of real property approximately 4.5 +/- acres, being that portion of Franklin County Tax Parcel 495-232653 located north of London Groveport Road. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage is currently engaged in the design of the Williams and Castle Interceptor (WCI) Project to redirect sanitary sewer flow to eliminate two existing pump stations and associated force mains that are nearing the end of their useful life. Eliminating these components will reduce the risk of sanitary sewer overflows into the Scioto River and eliminate the costs and risks of operating and maintaining these aging sanitary pump stations. The WCI Project will include a tunneled gravity sewer along US-23 crossing this site. The site will serve as a possible shaft site and as a construction laydown area for the WCI Project.
This legislation authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to execute those documents necessary to purchase the real property from Most Reverend Earl K. Fernandes, Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus and authorizes a transfer and expenditure of funds in an amount of Two Million Seven Hundred Dollars ($2,700,000.00) for payment of all costs associated with the acquisition of the real property.
Fiscal Impact: Funding of $2,700,000.00 is appropriated and available within the Sanitary Bond Fund, Fund 6109, to pay costs associated with the acquisition. It is necessary to amend the 2023 Capital Improvement Budget to provide sufficient budget authority for the proper project. It is also necessary to transfer cash and appropriation between projects within the Sanitary Bond Fund, Fund 6109, to align cash and appropriation with the proper project. The amendment is contingent upon the passage of the 2023 Capital Improvement Budget.
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested to allo...
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