File #: 0185-2018    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/8/2018 In control: Public Safety Committee
On agenda: 7/30/2018 Final action: 8/3/2018
Title: To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement(s) on behalf of the Division of Fire for telephone services from an existing Universal Term Contract with AT&T; to authorize the expenditure of $120,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($120,000.00)
Attachments: 1. attcoding.pdf
BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement(s) on behalf of the Division of Fire for telephone services from an existing Universal Term Contract established by the Purchasing Office with AT&T in the amount of $120,000.00. The Division of Fire utilizes AT&T telephone services on an annual basis in the Fire Stations and other facilities throughout the Division of Fire. AT&T is not debarred according to the Excluded Party Listing System of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search.
Bid Information: A Universal Term Contract exists for these services.

Contract Compliance: 34-0436390

Emergency Designation: Emergency action is requested as funds are needed immediately to ensure these services can continue without interruption.

FISCAL IMPACT: The Division of Fire budgeted $250,000.00 in the 2018 General Fund operating budget for telephone services from AT&T, and has encumbered/spent approximately $100,000.00 to date. The Division encumbered/spent approximately $240,000 in 2017, $270,000 in 2016, and $250,000 in 2015 for telephone services.

To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement(s) on behalf of the Division of Fire for telephone services from an existing Universal Term Contract with AT&T; to authorize the expenditure of $120,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($120,000.00)
WHEREAS, there is a need to purchase telephone services for the Division of Fire, and

WHEREAS, a Universal Term Contract with AT&T, established by the Purchasing Office, exists for these servi...

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