BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of $500,000 and authorizes the Director of Development to enter into contract with Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) in the amount of up to $500,000 for the Poindexter Village Phase III retention/detention facility project.
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) is undertaking a $250,000,000 multi-phase redevelopment of the Poindexter Village area. In June 2014, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded CMHA a $30,000,000 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant to facilitate the redevelopment. The City of Columbus is providing HOME, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and capital funds to assist with the redevelopment effort and this ordinance provides CDBG funds specifically for the retention/detention pond. Either in the retention/detention project contract or as a separate Memorandum of Understanding, the City and CMHA will memorialize that CMHA shall monitor and be responsible for compliance with labor standard requirements for the retention/detention facility project on behalf of the City and as part of CMHA’s overall monitoring of project per HUD requirements.
FISCAL IMPACT: This legislation appropriates $500,000 from the balance of funds on the 2017 Community Development Block Grant award (Fund 2248).
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency action is requested so that construction of the facility and related housing can begin and to maintain the construction schedule.
To authorize the Director of Development to enter into contract with Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) for the Poindexter Village Phase III retention/detention facility project; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of up to $500,000.00 from the 2017 Community Development Block Grant; and to declare an emergency. ($500,000.00)
WHEREAS, the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) is undertaking a $250,000...
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