1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with the Elite Excavating Co. of Ohio, Inc. for the Blueprint Weisheimer/Indian Springs Integrated Solutions Improvements Project, CIP 650870-100002. This project consists of constructing 42 bio-retention basins/rain gardens in the Clintonville area to store and treat stormwater runoff as part of the City of Columbus’ Wet Weather Integrated Plan mandated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. No future phases are planned. Blueprint Weisheimer/Indian Springs Roadway Improvements project is in the Clintonville Planning area.
This project has been approved for below market-rate loan financing through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) which is administered by the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA). Ordinance 2241-2015, passed October 19, 2015, authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a WPCLF Loan for the project. The project’s assigned WPCLF Number is CS390274-0218. Upon the loan award, which is expected in either April or May 2017, an OWDA Loan Account number will be assigned.
2. PROJECT TIMELINE: the work is to be completed within 540 calendar days after the effective date of the Notice to Proceed.
3. PROCUREMENT INFORMATION: The Division advertised for competitive bids for the subject project on the City's Vendor Services website, the City's Bulletin in accordance with the overall provisions of Section 329 of Columbus’s City Codes, and the Bid Express website. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received three (3) bids on March 1, 2017 from the following companies:
4. Name C.C. No Vendor # Exp. Date City/State Status
Elite Excavating Co. of Ohio 20-1643186 001064 08/17/18 Mansfield, Ohio MAJ
Shelly & Sands Inc. 31-4351261 006043 12/23/17 Cols, Ohio MAJ
Facemyer Co. 31-1...
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