This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to amend the contract with Community Grounds for the purpose of reimbursing expenses incurred by Community Grounds prior to the signing of the contract. Community Grounds, an NCR (Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization) business, is also known as Community Grounds Coffee and Meeting House. The organization is a coffee house which also serves as a community place that helps raise money for local charities. Located at 1132-34 Parsons Avenue, in the Parsons Avenue NCR Area, Community Grounds sought assistance from the City of Columbus for renovation of the facility. On May 5, 2016, an application was received for exterior and interior improvement grants. A commitment letter accepting the application for assistance was provided to Community Grounds for the interior and exterior improvements. The commitment letter included an interior grant for up to $25,000. The exterior improvements were completed and the facade grant was completed and closed on August 29, 2017. A contract reflecting the interior improvements was executed in September, 2018. Community Grounds started worked on the interior renovations after receipt of the commitment letter of May 10, 2016. Interior improvements totaling more than $56,000 were completed prior to the execution of the contract.
Emergency action is needed to allow the Director of the Department of Development to reimburse Community Grounds for expenses incurred for interior renovation improvements prior to the execution of the contract without delay.
Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with this legislation.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to amend the contract with Community Grounds for the purpose of reimbursing expenses incurred by Community Grounds prior to the execution of the contract; and to declare an emergency.
WHEREAS, Community Grounds is a coffe...
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